
Lead Generation, Nurturing, Scoring and Management

The Only Proven Way to Increase Sales

Personal Contact Increases Sales Revenue and Customer Relations In B2B marketing, it seems that everyone is excited about social marketing and using marketing automation to deliver event triggered emails . No one is convinced of exactly what benefits social marketing is bringing to the table and we need to find good ways to measure it. …

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Numbers Can Lie

Did you ever play “Telephone” when you were little?  Remember what happened to that whispered message passed through 10 kids and how easily “Strawberry Jam” turned into “I am a banana”? It was funny then. Research findings, passed via content marketing and social media are a lot like “Telephone” because once a number is repeated often enough, small …

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B2B – Back to Basics But Better

In its heyday outbound marketing even in B2B embraced a huge list of media options. In addition to email we had: Direct mail – in regular letter, postcard and dimensional versions Voicemail Online Advertising Newspaper, Business Magazine and even Outdoor Advertising Telemarketing Radio TV While not everyone could afford all the arrows in the outbound quiver, there was …

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Bad execution means poor results

One thing that has always puzzled me in business is that once someone gets good at something, they probably stop doing it. For instance, (while its not the best practice) successful sales people are often moved up to management where they don’t do any more selling.  Great buyers get promoted so they don’t have to …

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Stop Throwing Leads Away

Generating quality leads is – according to some very sensible sources- the #1 priority for marketing and with priorities come expenses!  So just how much of your lead generation expense is being tossed out the window when your painfully generated leads don’t get timely follow up? When research shows that 35-50% of the sales go …

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Attn B2B Sales – Pick Up The Phone!

Are are tired of reading about how a typical B2B sale is 50 -60-70% complete before the prospect engages with a sales rep?  I am.  And that’s because that “finding”  which might be true with some mature product/service categories does not apply to what I sell. It doesn’t apply to what most of my clients …

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Stop the Summer Sales Slump

It a sure sign that summer’s here: Sun is shining, birds are chirping, kids are playing, sales are slumping (?!?!?). What was that? you say.  Sales slumping?  That’s right, 68% of businesses report a drop in sales over the summer months.  Now, I can buy that some of those businesses may actually be seasonal, but …

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Your Best Voicemail Campaign

Voicemail marketing has evolved since 2001 when I first started  working with clients to help them create successful campaigns. Honestly, I miss the way it used to be when all it took was a reasonably natural sounding message, a half decent offer and a list that wasn’t total garbage. We routinely drove double digit response …

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Blow Me Away

Have I ever told you how much I love telephone prospecting? I lied. Yes. It’s good when I make a connection and open the door to an interesting and potentially lucrative new business opportunity and I like to talk to new people. But, let’s be honest. Not a lot of dials end that way. But …

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Canada’s Anti-Spam Regulations -CASL- July 2014

If you are selling, doing lead or demand generation to any company or individual employee located in Canada – you need to pay attention to CASL coming into effect on July 1, 2014 because my friends, this could be very ugly. 1- Make no mistake that this legislation applies only to messages sent to consumers …

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