
Lorraine joined Boxpilot in July of 2001 as a Director, Client Service. Over the course of her career with Boxpilot Lorraine has been involved in sales and later on working with the sales team to help create marketing content and other support functions.

About Lorraine

Lorraine joined Boxpilot in July of 2001 as a Director, Client Service. Over the course of her career with Boxpilot Lorraine has been involved in sales and later on working with the sales team to help create marketing content and other support functions.

Find more about me on the Boxpilot main About :

Here are my most recent posts

Numbers Can Lie

Did you ever play “Telephone” when you were little?  Remember what happened to that whispered message passed through 10 kids and how easily “Strawberry Jam” turned into “I am a banana”? It was funny then. Research findings, passed via content marketing and social media are a lot like “Telephone” because once a number is repeated often enough, small …

Numbers Can Lie Read More »

Bad execution means poor results

One thing that has always puzzled me in business is that once someone gets good at something, they probably stop doing it. For instance, (while its not the best practice) successful sales people are often moved up to management where they don’t do any more selling.  Great buyers get promoted so they don’t have to …

Bad execution means poor results Read More »

Attn B2B Sales – Pick Up The Phone!

Are are tired of reading about how a typical B2B sale is 50 -60-70% complete before the prospect engages with a sales rep?  I am.  And that’s because that “finding”  which might be true with some mature product/service categories does not apply to what I sell. It doesn’t apply to what most of my clients …

Attn B2B Sales – Pick Up The Phone! Read More »

Blow Me Away

Have I ever told you how much I love telephone prospecting? I lied. Yes. It’s good when I make a connection and open the door to an interesting and potentially lucrative new business opportunity and I like to talk to new people. But, let’s be honest. Not a lot of dials end that way. But …

Blow Me Away Read More »

Marketing Automation Questions – Answered at Last

Most marketing automation research totally irritates me because it isn’t specific about what the product is or who the buyers are.  Call me picky but I’d like to see data for a small company that has signed up for an email marketing package separated in some way from the report of a mega company signing on …

Marketing Automation Questions – Answered at Last Read More »

Boost Your Sales Ratios

I’ve had to cold call through too many recessions not to recognize that while it might be irreplaceable, it’s terribly inefficient. I resent how it wastes my precious time and I suspect that anyone who shares at least part of the responsibility to generate their own leads knows exactly how I feel. I’m calling into …

Boost Your Sales Ratios Read More »

Lead Generation – A 2012 Report from the Bridge Group

I love reports on B2B lead generation and particulary those from the Bridge Group who manage to look at lead generation from both the marketing side and the sales side – and that seems to be rare lately. I’ve been away and didn’t get through all my emails yesterday, which means that usually I do …

Lead Generation – A 2012 Report from the Bridge Group Read More »

Website Leads and Your Inside Sales Team

How quickly do your inside sales team follow up on web leads?  I’ll bet that the answer is “Not fast enough”.  According to the B2B Buyer Behavior Report, from Software Advice your chance of qualifying a lead is 29% better if you call within 5 seconds rather than lounging around for 5 minutes before making …

Website Leads and Your Inside Sales Team Read More »

Sales Prospecting and Quality Leads

If there was ever a good reason for marketing and sales to drop the walls and find new and better ways to work together, the priority the market has placed on generating high quality leads would be it. In some companies it’s possible that sales is completely out the lead generation (better known in sales circles …

Sales Prospecting and Quality Leads Read More »

Go Away – I’ve Never Heard of You

Cold call – definition for this post  -“I’ve never heard of you or your company.  I have no idea what you do, why I should value it or why I should listen to you now or talk to you later” Now, that’s cold. I’ve made thousands of calls just like that and they used to …

Go Away – I’ve Never Heard of You Read More »